

Welcome to my website

Here you will find proven help and information about kundalini symptoms and syndrome

Since 2010 I have helped over 2000 people to alleviate and completely overcome all symptoms of the kundalini syndrome (or spiritual crisis) such as:

  • Uncomfortable feelings of pain and pressure in the body
  • Uncomfortable feelings of energy in the body
  • Uncontrollable emotions like fear, anger and depression
  • Childhood trauma and other difficult memories emerging
  • Head pressure
  • Frightening paranormal experiences
  • Fear of going insane
  • Inability to function in the world
  • Over-sensitivity
  • Alienation from the world
  • A sense of turmoil and confusion

Who is Tara?

I am a qualified Buddhist teacher, psychotherapist and qigong instructor and since 2010 I work as a kundalini teacher and help people to overcome all symptoms of kundalini syndrome. I have been in my own kundalini process since 1977 (since the tender age of 17). I have successfully managed to overcome all the challenges in this process and have helped over 2000 people to do the same. I therefore hope that I can help you, as well.

I would like to tell you straightaway that this is not another internet site that will tell you about the horrors of the kundalini. Quite the opposite, I feel that the kundalini process is an enormous blessing with many wonderful gifts waiting for everyone after the initial tumultuous phase is over.

Some of the gifts of the kundalini

  • The ability to access a joyful and even blissful state of mind at any time
  • Realising spiritual states of mind that you have previously only read about in books
  • The ability to manifest all your desires
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Enhanced problem solving ability
  • Enhanced ability to influence other people for the better
  • A sense of deep vocation and calling in your life
  • Physical youthfulness, energy, health and beauty
  • Possibly supernatural abilities like spiritual healing, clairvoyance, channelling higher beings and many more (this will come later in the process)

 Some feedback for Tara

Tanja, 33 years: I would like to thank you for the amazing counselling sessions for my spiritual crisis. They have honestly helped me change my mind set which has massively improved my entire life. You helped me find myself using meditation which improved my understanding of my own self worth. I have came to realise since our sessions that my happiness comes from within. The positive effect from the meditation you have taught me has showed  from the inside out with even my family being able to recognise my improvements. I will always be grateful for your nonjudgmental attitude, as well as your much appreciated honesty. Your kind character was just the help I needed in that stage of my life, along with your lessons you have taught to me to change for the better and have given me the positive mind set needed to help others further. Forever grateful.

Terry, 43 years: I was in a really desperate state and thought I might have experienced some kind of an spiritual awakening. In my confused and deluded mind I was willing to go anywhere to find answers. I was extremely fortunate to find Tara Springett. After contacting her we managed to schedule a time to meet on Skype. I had never experienced severe anxiety before, so I couldn’t even recognise it.  Tara taught me a powerful anti-anxiety technique which worked wonders almost immediately.  During our sessions, Tara advised how the kundalini process worked, what I was going through and what to expect.  I found one of Tara’s gifts was her down-to-earth, honest and common sense approach, all together with tremendous compassion, too. My sessions with Tara were truly priceless.  There are very few people in the world that have her depth of knowledge about kundalini and also being a qualified therapist and teacher, too. Tara Springett is a miracle worker, I am eternally grateful to her.  I highly recommend contacting Tara immediately, if you’re experiencing any difficulties.

Tara’s books about kundalini and kundalini syndrome 

The book is available in English, German and Dutch. The English and German version is downloadable from my websites as a Pdf and all three versions of the book can be bought from Amazon and in bookshops all around the world (mostly).

But if you buy them as an ebook directly from this website, they are 25% cheaper! To view or buy click on the picture of the book

Enlightenment Through the Path of Kundalini
Erleuchtung durch den Pfad der Kundalini
Verlichting door het pad van kundalini

NEW!! Healing Kundalini Symptoms
NEW!! Kundalini-Symptome heilen

Other books by Tara Springett

All these books are helpful in the kundalini process but the most important are Spiritual Joy, Stairway to Heaven and  Higher-Consciousness Healing. To view or buy click on the picture of the book

Seven Golden KeysSoulmate Relationships

Stairway to Heaven

The Happy Eating Approach

How to Find Your Soulmate

back to Tara’s other website www.taraspringett.com

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