Welcome to the Higher Consciousness Healing Meditation Bundle (please bookmark this page immediately!)

You will find 6 meditations on this page, which have been produced and narrated by Nigel Springett. They are:

  1. The three basic steps of the higher consciousness healing meditation (11 min)
  2. Anti-anxiety meditation (8 min)
  3. Anti-depression/sadness meditation (6 min)
  4. Acceptance meditation (anti-frustration/anger) (6 min)
  5. Release resentments and traumas (6 min)
  6. Gratefulness meditation (8 min)

You are welcome to share these videos with members of your household but please do not put it on any social media or share it with your clients. 

Ideally, you sit with a straight back in order to practice. Do not worry if your mind strays at times. This is natural and will not lessen the good impact of these meditations. Also, do not give up if you do not have a massive success immediately or if the videos feel “dry” at times. Progress will come gradually over time, so keep going. All videos have been made in Tara`s and Nigel`s flower garden. We are glad to be able to share our beautiful garden with you. Enjoy!

1. Higher Consciousness Healing (first three steps)

2. Anti-Anxiety Meditiation

3. Anti-Depression Meditiation

4. Acceptance meditation (anti-frustration/anger)

5. Release Resentment and Old Traumas

6. Gratefulness Meditation